Nutrition & Recipes

Fiber for Healthy Hormones and Digestion

January 12, 2023

Serenity Here
I devour health and wellness information, and love to share everything that works in my life, so you can use the same self care and lessons in yours!
TOp categories

Fiber is one of those things I’ve always tied to oatmeal, and never really understood much about. For decades in the health and wellness arena we paid attention to protein, fat, and carbs. Fiber seemed long forgotten, or maybe just buried under the others. 

Let’s dig it out because this guy packs a mighty punch, and goes way beyond the toilet. Yes, yes, fiber is what we think of when we’re having trouble with going to the bathroom, and that’s important, but it does more than give us a daily trip to the bathroom. 

Fiber is technically classified as a carbohydrate. You’ll notice this when you look at labels, it’s a sub category under the main carb category. But, it doesn’t act like our typical carb. Carbohydrates are broken down into sugars, and can be stored in the body to use as energy. Not the case with fiber, as it’s not something our bodies are able to store. Win!

And bonus, notice how long you can go between meals without feeling hungry when you’ve had a fiber dense meal. I put this to the test the other day, had a late breakfast/early lunch loaded with fiber, and went through dinner without even thinking about food. 

It passes through us undigested, and plays a crucial role in regulating our blood sugar and keeping hunger at bay. Basically it plays in our body very differently than say the carbs you’d find in white bread. Woo, talk about an insulin spike!

There’s two kinds of fiber, soluble and insoluble. 

Soluble fiber dissolves or expands in water, where insoluble fiber remains intact. Soluble is going to lower glucose and cholesterol, and insoluble helps to create a healthy digestive system, moving everything along. You want a healthy balance of both. 

When it comes to women’s hormones and keeping them balanced, fiber is non-negotiable. Estrogen dominance is common among women going through perimenopause, and fiber can help combat high levels of estrogen. 

High levels of estrogen are found in women diagnosed with breast cancer so not only does fiber help regulate our weight, and keep a healthy gut, but it also plays a critical role with our hormones. 

Other symptoms that fiber can help with include: pms, fibroids, acne, breast tenderness, headaches and bloating. 

We’ll talk more about sources but if you suffer from estrogen dominance, then you’ll want to be sure to add in lentils, beans, or flax seeds to your daily diet. These three sources can bind to estrogen to help ensure it’s eliminated in our system. 

So how much do we need? Alot, let’s be real. We don’t get nearly the adequate amount, with the majority of us hovering around about 12 grams per day of the 25 needed for women, and about 10 more grams for men. 

However, this is not one I would recommend supplementing with. Get it from the sources if you can. Start to take a look at how much you are currently consuming daily, and then just make an effort to add in a few more grams every few days. 

Trust me, slow and steady wins the race on this one. I made the mistake of going big, and my tummy was not loving me. You want to gradually increase your intake over time and pay attention to how your body is reacting. 

I like to make things simple and easy, so let’s talk about where we can get the biggest bang for our buck. ‘Cause let’s face it, even25 grams seems daunting, right?!

If you are following a mostly whole food diet, you’re probably getting a good amount already, and may not even realize it. That’s why your first step is to start paying attention to how much you’re already getting. 


Popcorn > 3 cups = 5.8 grams 

Quinoa > 1 cup = 5 grams 

Oatmeal > 1 cup = 4 grams

Brown Rice > 1 cup = 3.5 grams 

Whole Wheat Tortillas > 1 oz. = 2.8 grams 

VEGGIES (cooked)

Artichokes > 1 cup = 9.6 grams 

Green Peas > 1 cup = 8.8 grams 

Brussel Sprouts > 1 cup = 6.4 grams

Sweet Potato > 1 cup = 6.3 grams 

Broccoli > 1 cup = 5.2 grams 

Avocado > ½ cup = 5 grams

Cauliflower > 1 cup = 4.9 grams 

Carrots > 1 cup = 4.8 grams

Kale > 1 cup = 4.7 grams

Spinach > 1 cup = 4.3 grams 


Navy Beans > ½ cup = 9.6 grams 

Lima Beans > ½ cup = 9.2 grams

Lentils > ½ cup = 7.8 grams 

Pinto Beans > ½ cup = 7.7 grams

Black Beans > ½ cup = 7.5 grams 

Chickpeas > ½ cup = 6.3 grams 

Kidney Beans > ½ cup = 5.7 grams 


Pumpkin Seeds > 1 oz. = 5.2 grams 

Coconut > 1 oz. = 4.6 grams 

Chia Seeds > 1 TBsp = 4.1 grams

Almonds > 1 oz. = 3.5 grams

Sunflower Seeds > 1 oz. = 3.1 grams

Flax Seeds > 1 TBsp. = 2.8 grams


Guava > 1 cup = 8.9 grams 

Pear > 1 medium = 5.1

Kiwi > 1 cup = 5.4 grams 

Grapefruit > 1 = 5 grams 

Raspberries > ½ cup = 4 grams

Blackberries > ½ cup = 3.8 grams 

Wild Blueberries > ½ cup = 3.1

This list is not exhaustive. These are just some of the top sources of each category, but feel free to explore more. Most whole foods have some fiber contact, so eating outside of this list will still give you some extra here and there. 

Here’s some ideas to get you started:

Dressed Up Oatmeal 

Bowl of oatmeal, with chia seeds, almonds, and wild blueberries (I find mine in the frozen section). 

**Approximately 14 grams of fiber. 

HINT: I like to sweeten mine with a little vanilla and some almond milk. 

Loaded Salad

Choice of greens, topped with peas, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, artichokes, and some avocado. 

**Approximately 32 grams of fiber. 

Buddha Bowl 

Quinoa, kidney beans, broccoli, and avocado. 

**Approximately 21 grams of fiber. 

Okay, now I’d love to hear from you. Other places you’re getting your  fiber? Any surprises on how much you actually need versus how much you’re actually getting? Ideas are welcome – remember sharing is caring!

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