Nutrition & Recipes

3 Benefits of Sparkling Water & Recipes

June 22, 2022

Serenity Here
I devour health and wellness information, and love to share everything that works in my life, so you can use the same self care and lessons in yours!
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Sparkling water and seltzer is the new big thing, I mean, just take a look down the soda aisle at the grocery store. It’s jammed packed with options now and it’s become an alternative to soda and alcohol, especially with sober curiosity on the rise. 

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather my kids be drinking it over soda for sure!

But, there’s been a lot of talk about the effects on health, and replacing it as an alternative to water. Does it actually hydrate us, and quench our thirst?

Good news. So long as you’re making good choices, generally sparkling water is just water that has some carbonation added – to give it the bubly we love, and sometimes natural flavoring for extra taste. But, you do need to be careful, as some brands are adding in sugar, and that’s where things can take a wrong turn. 

Let’s break down some of the options:

Mineral Water: Most often comes from a Spring, making its mineral content – calcium and magnesium, natural.

Seltzer: Contains artificial carbonation, and often has fruit juice or sugar added. Can be comparable to tonic water. It’s the carbonation process that is often the differentiator. 

Soda Water: Contains artificial carbonation with added minerals like sodium bicarbonate and potassium sulfate. 

Tonic Water: Love the sweet taste of tonic? I bet! Unfortunately it’s loaded with sugar, and can often be comparable with soda, so you might want to choose something else if you’re avoiding sugar, which can also lead to dehydration. Tonic is artificial carbonation and has minerals added like soda water, but the sugar content set’s it apart. 

Your best bet is to check labels and keep it simple, you really want to aim for water, and carbonation. 

You absolutely need to watch for citric acid, sugar, and phosphorus added in, and avoid those ingredients which can cause issues with teeth enamel. You may experience temporary burping, bloating, gas, and stomach pain from drinking carbonated water, but those are really the big things to watch for. 

I’m seeing a lot more come on the market with caffeine now too. It may be minimal, but I’d try to avoid them and stick with all the other ones available. There’s plenty to choose from, and we’ll talk about making your own too!

Here’s 3 benefits:

Hydration: Yes, it can be hydrating! What!? I know, it’s exciting. Like I mentioned, it’s water, just carbonated. But, you gotta make sure you’re checking labels, no sugar!

Snack Replacement: It’s 2:00 and you’re starting to feel your energy dip. You immediately start dreaming of a chocolate chip cookie. Skip the cookie and go for the bubly. Really. Sometimes that hand to mouth consumption thing really makes a difference. 

Soda and Alcohol Replacement: This is an easy swap out, but it takes time. We’re getting something from that soda and alcoholic drink. Be aware of that. It’s deeper than just a swap, but it can be a good first step as a healthy alternative to the habit of consuming the beverage, and not feel like we’re out of the game  or being left out. 

Nothing should replace good ol’ water though. 

Make sure that’s part of your daily routine. I personally like to have sparkling water once a day. Sometimes I throw it into my day in the afternoon after lunch, or I might have one before or after dinner. 

The majority of my day is made up of water though. In fact, I make an effort to drink a glass every morning when I get up just to start that habit for the day. It seems that I tend to have an easier time drinking water consistently throughout the day when I do that. 

Let’s talk about what you can make at home! I love being able to make things myself, easy, of course. 

Here’s 4 flavored water recipes you can make yourself. 

The best thing about making things yourself, is that you know what’s in them, and you can adjust the amount!

For all options, fill a pitcher with about 5 cups of water (filtered if possible) after you add the fruit. Make sure you throw the fruit in first so that you can gauge how much water you need to add. If you’re serving right away, you can add some ice cubes, or just throw them in your cup when you’re ready to drink. 

Watermelon, Lime: I cup fresh or frozen watermelon, 1 lime – sliced into circles. 

Pineapple, Coconut, Lime: 1 cup frozen pineapple, 1 cup frozen coconut, 1 fresh lime – slice into circles. 

Cucumber, Strawberry, Mint: I cup cucumber (usually 1-2 cucumbers), 1 cup frozen strawberries, and ten fresh mint leaves. 

Blueberry, Lemon, Rosemary: 1 cup frozen blueberries (wild if possible), 1 lemon – sliced into circles, and 4 sprigs of fresh rosemary. 

Use all organic ingredients if possible!

Make a big batch of one of these, and store it in a pitcher to enjoy throughout the day and week. 

And don’t forget that sharing is caring, so the more you make the better for everyone!

You can also eat the fruit when the pitcher is gone. Bonus! Don’t want the added calories or natural sugar from fruit? No problem. Just through some limes and lemons in your water for some extra flavor and BAM!

What do you think? Do any of those sound worth checking out?

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